Most beautiful messages to say good night to your love
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Sleep well message
You are the only one to have touched my heartMy heart where you will always belong
Sleep well my only love.i love you
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Snowflake sms
I give you a kiss as a snowflakeWhich alights on your lips
My wonderful white rose
That hunts my dreams
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Good night my love
I wish i could be with you every nightWatching you sleep and embrace you with your love garlic
Bonne nuit & Good night my love
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Love weather
Weather announced tonight a big cloud of loveAnd fine rains of kisses due on your lips
To wish for you a beautiful dream
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Golden star
I am going to space to put your name on a golden starFor that all angels can see how strong is my love for you
Good night baby
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Plane of kisses
I am sending to you a plane of kisses in a sky of loveWith a cloud of tenderness swept away by a wave of happiness
Hoping that it will crash into your heart
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