Looking for an endearing saying or a witty slogan to
go with your cards, gifts or flowers. Here are ideas for love
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I may be little
but my heart's not small
If you love me true
You can have it all
but my heart's not small
If you love me true
You can have it all
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I'll do whatever
it takes to make you smile
I'll be true to you
till my Life's last mile
it takes to make you smile
I'll be true to you
till my Life's last mile
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By hook or by crook
I'll be the last in your book
Shakespeare I am not
to write a lot
Three little words
'Forget Me Not'
I'll be the last in your book
Shakespeare I am not
to write a lot
Three little words
'Forget Me Not'
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I am sure that no one else could be
As lovely as you seem to me
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I couldn't forget you
if I would
I wouldn't forget you
if I could
if I would
I wouldn't forget you
if I could
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Come right in and share my nest
because you're the bird I like the best
because you're the bird I like the best
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Doubt that the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth
doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love
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I have opened an emotional bank for you
in my heart
and i had deposit your love,
kisses, hugs in it
& I will make sure that u Receive
Interests long as I am Alive
Interests long as I am Alive
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Trust is a better
compliment than love
Because you
may not always trust the person you love
But you love
always the person you trust
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If you say my eyes are beautiful, its because they are
looking at you
for my eyes are just the windows my and feelings come true
for my eyes are just the windows my and feelings come true
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Read this lovely love quotes here :
❤ Quotes of love ❤